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With Lyme disease (and chronic lyme disease) becoming one of the fastest spreading illnesses in the world, alternative medicines like CBD oil and silver are garnering more attention, especially since antibiotics are becoming increasingly less effective. Medical experts have deemed Lyme disease a growing threat, an epidemic, and a national public health crisis.

While the general consensus is that Lyme is an East Coast malady, it is in fact found throughout the United States, and additionally in more than 60 different nations.

Chronic Lyme disease can lead to arthritis, heart disease, neurologic complications, and even death.

“Lyme disease is a very serious situation that is endemic in certain areas of the country and has been reported in all 50 states in the United States,” explains Marilyn Williams, an Executive Director of the Lyme Disease Association of Delmarva Incorporate, located in Salisbury, Maryland. “[Lyme] is a life-threatening condition that affects every system of the body.”

Failures Of Conventional Medicine

Lyme disease is typically treated with the antibiotic Doxycycline over a 28-day course. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), patients treated with antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease stand a better chance of recovering. But given the growing worldwide resistance to antibiotics, doctors are advised to try to find out what bacteria is involved and take into account a patient’s personal history with antibiotics.

According to an article in Bethesda Magazine, “Experts fear that the use of long-term antibiotics raises the threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In addition, the medications are often administered intravenously, which can lead to complications.”

In 10 percent to 20 percent of patients, symptoms don’t go away and chronic Lyme disease ensues.

Then there’s the spirochete, a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi that is transmitted through the ticks that cause chronic Lyme disease. Co-infections occur when Borrelia and different pathogens are transmitted through the same tick bite. The most common co-infections which were found in patients with Lyme disease were Babesia (32 percent), Bartonella (28 percent), Ehrlichia (15 percent), Mycoplasma (15 percent), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (6 percent), Anaplasma (5 percent), and Tularemia (1 percent), according to a PeerJ survey done by researchers. Lyme is called “The Great Imitator,” since it presents a varying collection of symptoms, resembling many other diseases.

According to Clinical Herbalist Elizabeth Moriarty:

The Lyme spirochete is an exceptionally intelligent organism. It is complex and highly evolved to overcome immunological responses, and is adapted to specifically shield itself from the immune systems of many different mammals. Its shape-shifting nature and protective biofilm are remarkably effective strategies for avoiding host immunity. In biofilms, bacterial cells exhibit 10 to 1,000 times less susceptibility to specific antimicrobial agents. And, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the spirochete itself, as an active spiral body that changes shape, shifting into a protective round body in response to a hostile environment, such as antibiotics, and conditions unfavorable for growth.

Williams says that ineffective therapy can stem from not being administered the correct antibiotics or that certain bacteria, parasites, or fungus were not being properly addressed or diagnosed.

Typical chronic Lyme disease treatments can further damage the body.  Certain treatments can harm the gastrointestinal (GI) framework and kill healthy bacteria in the body’s system, leaving it open to contagious and bacterial contamination. Antibiotics harm the covering of your GI tract, which is crucial to a healthy immune function.

Spinning Your Wheels And Losing All Your Money

Dr. Bill Rawls, M.D., a medical director for Vital Plan, an herbal supplement and wellness company in Raleigh, North Carolina, suffered with chronic Lyme disease and overcame it using natural therapies exclusively.

“I’ve spent the past 15 years studying the illness and solutions for it. Lyme disease is possibly the most misunderstood illness of our time.”

In his article Rawls explains:

As I began seeing Lyme disease sufferers in my medical practice, I became aware that many people develop persistent chronic symptoms after taking antibiotics, both short-term after an initial infection and long-term for chronic Lyme. I met quite a few people who had squandered their life savings on prolonged intravenous antibiotic therapy, only to end up worse off than before.

“Remember,” advises Moriarty, “The active, spiral-shaped Lyme spirochete responds to the hostile presence of antibiotics by retreating into a protective round shape. This defense mechanism may help to explain the chronic recurrence of the condition in so many patients repeatedly treated with antibiotic regimes.”

CDC assess assesses that 300,000 individuals annually are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the United States. That is 1½ times the total number of women determined to have breast cancer and six times the number of individuals committed to having HIV every year. What is more startling is that an additional unknown number of individuals with Lyme are misdiagnosed with different conditions. Various specialists believe the genuine number of cases to be much higher.

Moriarty adds, “We see that response to infection is highly variable. This suggests the possibility of many different influencing factors, such as genetic haplotypes, epigenetics, co-infections, and host immune function.”

Patients with Lyme disease are frequently misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia, ALS, CFS, multiple sclerosis, and different psychiatric diseases. Misdiagnosis with these different illnesses may postpone the right treatment as the infection advances.

Victims of chronic Lyme disease often do not know they have been bitten by a tick and discover years later that they contracted the infection. Treatment with antibiotics, years after the fact, causes a slow and fragmented recuperation from the sickness.

The latter stage of the infection incorporates harm to the body and sensory nerves and cerebral inflammation. As explained in one study, nervousness and depression happen at a higher rate in patients with Lyme disease than those without it. Memory impairment, physical weakness, fatigue, changes in cognition, changes in affect (mood), and trouble with focus are common effects of the disease.

Psychiatrist and Lyme expert Robert C. Bransfield M.D. states, “In my database, suicidal tendencies occur in approxi­mately 1/3 of Lyme encephalopathy patients. Homicidal tendencies are less common, and occurred in about 15 percent of these patients.”

Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two types of cannabinoids (chemical compounds) found naturally in the resin of the marijuana plant, Cannabis sativa. Both offer health benefits, but CBD does not leave you “stoned” like THC.

Moriarty explains that while CBD is valuable in treating the symptoms of Lyme, there is no hard evidence that CBD can authentically be claimed to be a cure in and of itself, since its antimicrobial effects are impeded by the presence of the Lyme spirochete’s protective biofilm.

However, she adds that CBD is valuable as a component of a complete formula that serves to treat many of the most challenging symptoms of Lyme disease, certainly including depression and anxiety; general pain and inflammation; musculoskeletal pain and inflammation very specifically; and cognitive/mental fog.

Current research suggests that once Lyme has moved beyond the initial infection stage, penetrating the biofilm is the primary impediment to successful treatment.

“Arguably, a viable cure will necessarily embody a full protocol that allows both penetration of the biofilm and offers anti-microbial agents that avoid triggering a shape-shifting response in the Lyme bacteria,” says Moriarty. “For example, evidence suggests that teasel root is one of the plant medicines that helps facilitate an environment that Lyme does not regard as hostile, thereby allowing the body’s immune system access to the bacteria once the biofilm is breached.”

The Cannabinoid formula Superior contains Teasel root.

Dr. Ernie Murakami, founder of The Dr. E Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, a naturopathic facility located in British Columbia, Canada, believes that he has found a potential cure for Lyme disease among other illnesses with the use of CBD.

Murakami concludes:

“Other anecdotal cases of cannabidiol treating chronic infections resistant to the standard antibiotics convinced me that there was an antibiotic effect with cannabidiol.” His findings are currently being conducted in the United States.

A 2013 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology analyzed multiple CBD studies that had been performed to date and found that the compound reduces symptoms of the disease.

Why the Government is Suppressing the Lyme Disease Epidemic | Interview with Lorraine Johnson

Silver’s Poignant Impact

CBD oil in combination with colloidal silver could bring optimal results. Silver is a natural and general purpose anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiviral product. It works because it kills with an electrical charge rather than a chemical one, so pathogens cannot develop any resistance to it. As such, it’s a natural cure for Lyme disease.

According to a report in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), silver is a novel strategy for the prevention and treatment of biofilm related infections like Lyme disease. Like the plaque on your teeth, a biofilm can form when a community of microorganisms stick together on a surface. When biofilms coat the Borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme disease, this dampens antibiotics’ powers. However, because silver nanoparticles have extremely large surface areas, they can interact with microorganisms better than antibiotics. Silver’s nanoparticles can penetrate inside biofilm protected bacteria and react with proteins and DNA, which interrupts the respiratory chain and cell division. Result – bacterial cell death.

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Metabolomics For Helping Diagnose Correctly

Metabolomics is a novel branch of medicine that takes the guesswork out of diagnosis and is the leading definitive test for helping pinpointing autoimmune and chronic diseases through blood and urine samples. Technically, metabolomics is the study of metabolites, very small molecules produced by chemical reactions in our cells. Through new technologies, it’s now possible to analyze the 5,000 different metabolites and determine the condition of each and their variance from what is normal.

“The measurement of metabolites is one of the most accurate tests available for the tracking and detection of specific dietary, environmental, and metabolic causes concerning insoluble health problems,” says Dr. Dimitris Tsoukalas, a metabolomics pioneer and author of How To Live 150 Years In Health.

While metabolomics does not diagnose disease, “Metabolomics address function and dysfunction,” says Tsoukalas.

What that means is a metabolomics analysis goes to the root functionality of what lies behind the disease rather than look at categorization of symptoms. Needless to say, since Lyme disease is so difficult to diagnose, a metabolomic test could be useful.

What You Need To Know About Chronic Lyme Disease – A Ticking Time Bomb

An accurate analysis of Lyme disease and salient treatment is crucial. Once a tick has connected, if undisturbed, it may feed for a few days. The longer it remains appended, the more probable it will transmit the Lyme spirochete, as well as other co-infections. If pregnant women are infected, they sometimes transmit the infection onto their unborn babies. While it is not regularly common, a stillbirth can occur.

Numerous studies and reports by practitioners who treat chronic Lyme disease suggest that sexual contact may be a route of transmission influenced substantially by the extent of active disease in the Lyme patient combined with the state of health of the sexual partner. If further study finds sexual contact to be a viable mechanism of transmission, it will help to explain the fact that most Lyme patients have no recall of having been bitten by a tick.

10 Common Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

  1. Skin Rash
  2. Fever and Chills
  3. Fatigue
  4. Muscle and Joint Pain
  5. Severe Headaches
  6. Facial Palsy
  7. Irregular Heartbeat
  8. Abnormal Sensations in the Limbs
  9. Inflammation at Several Sites
  10. May Include Cognitive Problems

chronic lyme disease
Valerie StittValerie Stitt lives in New York. As a mother and grandmother, she is a passionate health advocate. As an author of four eBook guides, she shares with her readers steps on how to maximize their nutrition, weight and fitness goals. She blogs at Halfmile Fitness.

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