Join HoneyColony's Affiliate Program

At HoneyColony, our mission is to empower people to become their own best health advocate. With a highly engaged and loyal following, HoneyColony has quickly become an authority source for the highest quality information and alternative health products.

When you join our affiliate hive and help foster our mission, we will reward you for your efforts. Making the planet a healthier and more empowered place while earning revenue at the same time? That’s what we call a win-win.

Marketing Made Easy

The HoneyColony affiliate program is hosted with the Shareasale Network, which provides a wealth of affiliate tools and a user-friendly affiliate dashboard that makes it as easy as possible for you to promote HoneyColony products while keeping tabs on all your efforts. Plus, payouts are timely, and there are no fees at any time.

Tools & Resources

We provide a wide array of banner artwork, shareable content, video embed, a product data feed and links to high-converting articles. For select partners, we provide exclusive offers and “clean” links that route your traffic to co-branded landing pages.

365-day Tracking

When clicked, your affiliate link generates a cookie that will track any sales through your referral up to 365 days after each new click-through. Even if your referral leaves the HoneyColony website and returns through another route several months later, you are still covered.

Strategic Partnerships

Our strategic partnerships enable you to make use of additional tools to streamline your marketing efforts. Content monetization can be optimized with Skimlinks or Viglink, user-friendly product feed integration is available through PopShops, GoldenCan and Datafeedr, and coupon aggregation is available through FMTC

Earn More

We greatly value hard work, and as such, provide tiered commission rates based on performance to all of our affiliates. We also like to keep things fun by hosting ongoing contests and free giveaways.

Dedicated Marketing Support

We are all about taking care of each and every one of our worker bees, and provide a dedicated affiliate team ready to answer all of your questions and help you make the most of the program.

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