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HoneyColony has extensively looked at Antibiotic Resistance Epidemic (ARE) in the United States and caught up with Dr. Jonathan Landsman to examine this travesty across the pond.

The word “superbugs” — bacteria that have mutated to become resistant to antibiotics — has a harmless, cartoonish sound to it. But there is nothing harmless about methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA bacteria. In fact, the spread of superbugs and antibiotic resistance currently constitutes one of the most serious health crises on the planet.

According to a British researcher, drug-resistant bacterial infections are so serious they are overtaking breast cancer as a cause of death – with the same situation likely occurring in the United States as well.

Actual MRSA Deaths Are Twice That Of Government Estimates

The British Department of Health (BDH) currently estimates that 5,000 people die every year in the UK due to drug-resistant bacterial infections. However, Dr. Ron Daniels, chief executive of the UK Sepsis Trust (UKST), challenges that number, maintaining that the true figure hovers around 12,000 – more than double the government figure.

This puts superbugs ahead of cancer as a cause of death in the UK. Breast cancer deaths stood at 11,433 in 2014, which is the last year statistics were available. And the picture may be even darker than the one presented by UKST. People killed by other MRSA-related causes, such as organ failure, were not even included in the estimate.

With numbers like these, it is no exaggeration to say that a pandemic is on the horizon. Mike Adams, Lab Science Director of CWC Labs, speaks to this point in his upcoming Immune Defense Summit presentation: Pandemic Preparedness: A Survival Guide. According to Adams:

The overuse of antibiotics and increase in drug-resistant superbugs has become a threat to the survival of the human race, with leading experts in the field of medicine now projecting microbiological doomsday scenarios if drastic steps are not taken to reverse this concerning trend.

Government Statistics On MRSA Miss The Mark

Daniels believes that the British Department of Health fails to register the full extent of the MRSA crisis because they are using “ballpark” figures from foreign studies — not those conducted in the UK.

To obtain their figure of 5,000 deaths caused by antibiotic resistance, the BDH used the results of existing studies in the EU and America and simply applied the figures to the UK. Some of these studies have been criticized as unreliable, particularly a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which applied death numbers from a 2011 survey of 10 states to the US’s entire population.

Researchers know that the bacteria that cause sepsis, or blood poisoning, are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The UK Sepsis Trust arrived at their results by calculating on the basis that nearly half of all sepsis cases are caused by the E. coli bacteria — and that about a third of E. coli bacteria are currently resistant to antibiotics.

Since 44,000 people die from sepsis every year in the UK, at least 7,000 of the deaths are likely to be linked to antibiotic-resistance. Dr. Daniels then factored in other bacteria that cause sepsis – including streptococcus, staphylococcus, and pseudomonas – and reached a total sum of 11,884 deaths for 2015.

The UK Sepsis Trust is calling for an official registry of superbug deaths so that the true extent of the crisis can be reflected in government policy.

In the meantime, many of the world’s top experts in integrative medicine and science are speaking out. One such forum is the the Immune Defense Summit — a series of free online health talks aimed to help people build immunity, reverse disease, and stop superbugs in their tracks.

The Spread Of MRSA Could Have Catastrophic Results

Superbugs came to the forefront of the news in 2008, when the CDC announced that methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus had begun to surpass AIDS as a cause of death.

And MRSA has only become more dangerous over the years, with experts referring to it as a “scourge.” Unless the threat is contained, researchers fear that MRSA could create a scenario in which minor cuts and infections become fatal — and in which widespread drug resistance has rendered antibiotics so ineffective that common medical techniques such as surgery, organ transplants, and cancer treatment become too dangerous to use.

In a very real way, the use of miracle drugs, such as Penicillin, has come full cycle. Since Penicillin was first used in 1943, an evolutionary arms race has been escalating between bacteria and our antibiotic drugs, and right now we are losing that war. Before the discovery and synthesis of antibiotics, the smallest cut could lead to infections that could kill you unless your body was able to fight it off. Over the next 75 years following antibiotic discovery, we as a species exploded across the face of the planet. Without the risk of death from a small cut or injury, we thrived.

There are those who would argue that while the golden age of antibiotics served humans well, these miracle drugs were really only a Band-Aid because natural solutions that addressed the root were always available.

In 2015, World Health Organization director Margaret Chan issued a chilling prediction: superbugs, Chan declared, might “mean the end of modern medicine as we know it.”

British Government Predicts Superbugs Will Cause Deaths In The Millions

Methicillin is not the only drug to which bacteria are developing resistance. In 2014, the British government issued a report from its Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, which predicted that six different superbugs – E. coli, MRSA, Klebsiella, pneumoniae, tuberculosis, HIV,  and malaria – will claim the lives of a staggering 10 million people a year worldwide by the year 2050.

This figure exceeds the estimated 2050 death toll from cancer and diabetes combined – and includes a devastating $100 trillion price tag.

The review also stated that antibiotic resistance currently kills 700,000 people – almost three quarters of a million—globally every year. The drastic upward spiral expected over the next 33 years reflects the ongoing spread of drug resistance – a consequence of the overuse of antibiotics in conventional medicine and agriculture.

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What Are The Statistics For The US?

The CDC estimates that 23,000 people die from superbugs each year in America — compared with 41,924 killed by breast cancer. However, if the US estimate is marred by the same inaccuracies as the British estimate, the true toll could be twice that.

And, at 46,000, it would surpass the national death toll from breast cancer – just as in the UK.

As researchers scramble to develop a new generation of antibiotics to fight MRSA, it becomes increasingly obvious that the rise of MRSA is yet another reason to turn to non-toxic natural treatments, such as chelated  silver, whenever possible. In an appearance on CBS This Morning, news medical contributor Dr. David Agus stressed that the problem of drug resistance is not a “hypothetical” one. “It’s a real threat today,” Dr. Agus stated. And, he concluded,“It’s going to be a bigger threat.”

Stopping this threat in lieu of inadequate governmental policies begins by arming oneself with the knowledge how to do so. With the upcoming Immune Defense Summit taking place July 24-31, knowledge for how to personally combat antibiotic resistance is now at hand.

It’s time we all become our own health advocates, and stop the antibiotic resistance in its tracks.

Jonathan Landsman Jonathan Landsman is the host of NaturalHealth365.com, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing. Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.

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