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Looking for truly functional brain supplements? Equilibrium’s Clarity superfood fusion is designed for optimal brain cognition, drawing on Ayurveda, holistic medicine, Chinese principles, love and integrity. This super concentrated blend of ingredients is meant to revitalize your brain while providing clean, balanced mental energy, elevated mood and alertness, and increased cognitive thinking.

Clarity is a blend of two of the most important forms of nutrition in this busy world:  superfoods and nootropics. Superfoods give you essential nutrients to fuel your entire body while protecting against the dangers and stressors of modern life, such as toxins and environmental stressors.  Nootropics are the pinnacle of brain hacking. Keeping up with work, friends, family, personal projects, and fitness drain your body and brain. Nootropics give your brain an extra boost to stay more alert, intuitive, and creative, while also ensuring you get an adequate nights rest.

Each ingredient in Equilibrium Clarity Superfood is potent, carefully hand selected, and certified organic or wildcrafted to provide 100 percent high grade quality in every spoonful. We’ve broken down each of the key ingredients and compiled a list of benefits that make Equilibrium Clarity Superfood the best superfood available to keep you ahead of the competition and to give you more control of your life.

122 Benefits of Equilibrium Clarity Superfood

Brain Supplements: Eleuthero Root

Eleuthero root has been used for over 3,000 years in Chinese Medicine to promote health. This root’s main function comes from the ability to help the body adapt to stress. Phytochemicals like sterols, coumarins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides help with the healing and brain boosting properties of this plant.

1. Protects from free radicals that can damage cells, especially in the brain.

2. Improves memory and recollection, reducing Alzheimer’s risk.

3. Promotes better focus and clarity in stressful situations.

Brain Supplements: Ginkgo Biloba

For millennia, ginkgo biloba has been native to Asia, offering a powerhouse of benefits. As the oldest living tree species, it can live up to 1,000 years. This suggests this tree can offer longevity when its leaves are consumed. Ginko biolba has anti-inflammation properties that help increase blood flow to the brain, lower oxidative stress, and boost libido.

4. Improves learning capability and psycho-motor function.

5. Improves memory and mental enhancement and suppresses cognitive decline in people with dementia.

6. Improves vision in glaucoma sufferers.

7. Provides relief from anxiety.

8. Helps Alzheimer’s patients improve thinking, cognition, and memory.

9. Treats sexual dysfunction brought on by  antidepressant medication.

Brain Supplements: Bacopa Monnieri

As part of Ayurveda medicine, bacopa monnieri has been renown for its ability to boost the brain and its numerous essential functions.

10. Enhances cognitive function and learning

11. Provides neuroprotection brain from degenerative effects of Alzhemer’s.

12. Provides antioxidant response to the brain to protect from damaging free radicals.

Brain Supplements: Organic Green Tea

Rich in the amino acid L-Theanine, a now known  nootropic, green tea has been well documented in providing numerous benefits to the entire body. This crucial amino acid  affects the emission of alpha waves and the levels of  dopamine and GABA, all essential for proper neurological function.

13. Supports alpha wave emission for focus and relaxation.

14. Supports increased dopamine and GABA levels for improved memory and learning.

15. Supports gamma delta T cell production to improve immune response.

16. Reduces negative side effects associated with caffeine: jitters and nervousness.

17. Reduces effects of depression.

Brain Supplements: Rhodiola

The rhodiola rosea plant has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. Through activating the AMPK enzyme (protein complex that helps with energy balance) class, rhodiloa boosts mitochondria (energy source) in our cells. This allows cells to function efficiently and at their peak.

18. Increases sensitivity to dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that affect mood and motor skills.

19. Increases focus and memory.

20. Improves mood.

21. Fights and reverses depression.

22. Promotes energy and relieves fatigue.

Brain Supplements: Chaga

The chaga mushroom is prominent adaptogenic herb. Native to Russia, it grows in abundance due to its love for cold climate. Throughout the eastern hemisphere chaga has been enjoyed mostly as a tea. Currently it is gaining more recognition in the West as more research and awareness on its many health benefits are coming to light.

23. Beta-D-Glucans — naturally occurring glucose group — help balance immune system response.

24. Provides numerous antioxidants to protect and limit DNA damage.

25. Improves cognitive function to enhance memory and learning.

26. Activate immune cells, known to inhibit cancer cell growth.

Brain Supplements: Red Reishi

The red reishi has been part of Chinese medicine for over 2,00 years. Originally, only the elite were allowed to consume it and enjoy its endless health benefits. The reishi mushroom was so renown it gained the name “key to immortality.”

27. Supports nerve growth factor protein which regulates growth, maintenance, and survival of target neurons, promoting healthy neuro function.

28. Fights cancer and inhibits active cancer cell growth.

29. Purifies the kidney to increase libido and fertility.

30. Significantly lowers blood pressure in people with more severe high blood pressure rather than slightly high.

31. Protects cellular and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage.

Brain Supplements: Gotu Kola

Gotu kola is a well known plant in western medicine; its Chinese name meaning “fountain of youth.” Gotu kola has been used to promote longevity, enhance brain function, support memory, and combat depression.

32. Triterpenes — chemical compounds composed of three terpene (organic compounds) typically produced by plants —   increase strength and volume of collagen to keep skin elastic and youthful.

33. Activates the release of the protein brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which encourages new brain cell formation.

34. Protects the brain from neurotoxins like lead, arsenic, and aluminum by limiting oxidative stress.

35. Increases nerve growth factor to stimulate the growth of new nerve cells while protecting current ones.

36. Increases calmness, contentedness, and alertness.

37. Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

38. Natural sleep aid to combat insomnia.

Brain Supplements: Phytoplankton

Marine phytoplankton makes up one quarter of all vegetation on the planet, in addition to providing 90 percent of all of the planet’s oxygen. Its richness in trace elements and micro-nutrients, can help the body reach optimal health and wellness when regularly consumed.

39. Phyotplankton is one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. This offers  optimal nutrient count with minimal calorie consumption.

40. Phytoplankton is loaded with essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants and trace minerals — all necessary for regular organ, muscle, and joint function.

41. Strengthens cell membranes and supports cell regeneration.

42. Supports the body’s natural methylation process and helps with proper cell division and growth, removing toxins, repairing DNA, and reducing inflammation.

43. A University of Utah study showed subjects who used phytoplankton had higher measurements of CD3. CD3 is an indicator of  immune cells responsible for fighting viruses and bacteria.

44. Boasts more SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD) than any other source of SOD available. SOD is an antioxidant enzyme produced by cells in the human body. It reduces free radicals, protects against oxidative damage, and defends against oxidative damage on the cellular level while protecting against potential damage to the cardiovascular, mental and immune systems caused by oxidative stress.

45. Phytoplankton offers 100 percent bioavailability. No part of it is wasted, allowing our cells to absorb everything and boost all the health benefits.

Brain Supplements: Blue Algae

Blue algae is also a seaweed high in nutrient density. The Aztec and native Africans consumed blue algae regularly for its various health benefits. The most common form of blue algae is spirulina. It offers a high serving of protein, all essential amino acids, and numerous minerals and vitamins. What’s more, blue algae:

46. Aids in detoxifying the body, especially from heavy metals.

47. Contains  phenylalanine, which works as an appetite suppressant and supports weight management.

48. Aids in cardiovascular disease  prevention.

49. Research shows spirulina maxima consumption aids in preventing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Brain Supplements: Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used as a staple for thousands of years in Ancient Chinese medicine. The common belief was that regular consumption would offer immortality. Current research shows that although immortality may not be the end result, a long and healthy life is attainable with medicinal mushrooms because:

50. They contain biologically active polysaccharides, which research suggests contain anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral support.

51. They contain immune activating beta-glucans. Beta-glucans show promise in preventing vascular injuries that lead to heart disease. They also control blood glucose level and lipids to allow for better diabetes management and reduce hypertension risk.

52. Mushroom are immune modulators. They are able to activate immune effector  cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and natural killer cells.

Brain Supplements: Double-Directory Adaptogenic Herbs

Adaptogenic herbs, like the name suggests, allow us to adapt on the day to day. Environmental stressors, toxins, people, and foods we eat throw off our body, drain our energy, and offset our mood. Adaptogenic herbs provide all natural balance to allow us to quickly bounce back and:

53. They help your body adapt to your particular environment, which allows you to better handle any kind of stress.

54. Allow the body and mind to transition from any extreme state back to a balanced state.

55. Increases energy by  stimulating the central nervous system, without the negative side effects of most common stimulants such as caffeine.

56. Adaptogens are often used as overall wellness tonics to promote total body health.

Brain Supplements: ORMUS

Ormus, which was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson, contains a mix of key elements such as cobalt, nickel, copper, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold. This natural conglomerate of elements are reported to offer endless health benefits through:

57. Enhancing the immune systems functions.

58. Increasing the rate the body heals.

59. Nourishing and hydrating body cells.

60. Increasing energy and strength for athletic conditioning.

61. Helping to enhance one’s mood and combat depression.

62. Supporting healthier sleep patterns.

63. Supporting the body cells generation of hydroelectric energy, which improves brain function.

64. Aiding in repairing damaged tissues and supporting joint relief.

65. Helping promote a healthy cellular pH balance.

Brain Supplements: Ginger

Throughout history, ginger has been used in various forms of traditional and alternative medicine. It is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain. Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger, responsible for much of its medicinal properties. What’s more, ginger:

66. Exerts protection from gamma  radiation.

67. Has the ability to decrease age-related oxidative stress caused by UVB ray markers by activating the oxidase system.

68. Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and decreases swelling and pain.

69. May be effective against  osteoarthritis and rheumatism.

70. Aids in breaking up intestinal gas, offering relief from nausea and vomiting.

71. Suppresses allergic reactions.

72. Is effective against exercise-induced muscle pain.

73. Is just as effective as OTC medication and offers natural pain relief for menstrual pain.

74. Enhances both attention and cognitive processing capabilities in a study using healthy, middle-aged women.

75. Inhibits the growth of oral bacteria.

Brain Supplements: Organic Turmeric

In India, turmeric has been used for over 4,000 years as a spice and medicinal herb. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.

76. Research shows that curcumin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

77. Curcumin has shown the ability to inhibit tumor growth and also has anti-angiogenic effects.

78. Curcumin has the ability to damage bacteria membrane and destroy numerous bacteria.

79. As an immune modulator, curcumin enhances the immune system’s antibody response.

80. Curcumin is a natural antibiotic and has no negative effects on the intestinal micro flora compared to conventional antibiotics pills.

81. Curcumin has the ability to  boost brain function and lower risk of brain diseases.

Brain Supplements: 100% Organic Highland Honey

Organic Highland honey comes straight from the bee hive. This means it is pure, natural, and potent. Supermarket honey is processed and heated and devoid of beeswax, pollen, enzymes, and vitamins — all the true healing elements that make organic honey so wonderful.

82. Organic honey naturally neutralizes toxins.

83. Mixing cinnamon and honey has been shown to  relieve arthritis pain when applied to the area. In addition, eating both offers internal joint relief.

84. Honey has been used for thousands of years as an all natural anti-bacterial.

85. Honey contains high acidity which helps alkalinize the body.

86. Honey as a natural sweetener can suppress hunger, limit sugar intake and promotes weight loss.

87. Eating honey before bed aids in glycogen energy production. Since our brains use a lot of energy while we sleep, additional glycogen helps with  brain function and sleep.

88. Supports the release of  melatonin, which also aids with sleep.

89. Honey boosts the body’s  antioxidants, which prevents cell damage from free radicals and aids in fighting disease.

90. Honey decreases the healing time of wounds when paired with natural hydrogen peroxide.

91. Honey’s anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties make it an all-natural solution in  soothing sore throats.

92. A 2007 report shows honey applied topically had the ability to  treat a diabetic ulcer.

93. Honey contains phytonutrients which provide  anti-inflammatory benefits.

Brain Supplements: Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is the food of younger bees and is one of the most complete natural foods available.

94. Bee  pollen contains over 5,000 enzymes and co-enzymes to aid in  digestion, making it the most enzyme-rich food available.

95. Bee Pollen is rich in B-complex vitamins, which supports total body energy.

96. Natural phenylalanine content makes bee pollen an appetite suppressant.

97. Through a technique called desensitization, bee pollen suppresses allergy symptoms.

98. Bee pollen has been shown to have  antibiotic abilities against salmonella and other bacteria.

99. Bee pollen contains more than 300 natural compounds, making it a potent  antioxidant.

100. Bee pollen contains vitamin A for healthy vision.

101. Bee pollen contains vitamin C for immune support.

102. Bee pollen contains vitamin D for bone and immune support.

103. Bee pollen contains vitamin E for cholesterol regulation.

104. Bee pollen contains selenium for immunity boosting and metabolism maintenance.

105. Bee pollen contains lecithin which reduces fat deposits in the liver.

Brain Supplements: Propolis

Bees collect propolis by gathering resin from trees such as pine and evergreen trees. Propolis is initially used to support structures throughout the hive and protect the hive from contamination and invaders. Bee propolis contains many healing attributes that we can benefit from.

106. Bee propolis shows high anti-bacterial activity against cocci and Gram-positive rods.

107. Bees use propolis for its anti-fungal properties and actively apply it to infected areas of the hive.

108. Propolis has been used to treat aphthous stomatitis (RAS), which is a common, painful, and ulcerative disorder of the mouth.

109. Research suggests that bee propolis has the ability to lower blood pressure.

110. Bee propolis has been shown to help with bone tissue reformation.

111. In prostate cancer, bee propolis has shown promise in  boosting cancerous cell death.

112. Brazilian green propolis has reduced the metastasis of  colon cancer cells.

113. Aids in bone tissue reformation also allows bee propolis to  protect injured teeth.

Brain Supplements: Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is the exclusive food of queen bees. This nutrient-dense food provides numerous health benefits and contributes to extending queen bees’ lives for up to five years, while worker bees tend to only live for six weeks. Royal jelly’s benefits:

114. Treatment for asthma.

115. Research shows that royal jelly has the ability to act as an immunomodulator and boost the body’s immune system response.

116. Six months of regular royal jelly consumption helped  enhance brain function.

117. Over the course of seven days, regular use of royal jelly showed promise in protecting the liver from damage.

118. Through regular consumption, royal jelly has shown the ability to reduce inflammation in periodontal disease, suggesting anti-inflammatory relief for the entire body.

119. Royal jelly is 60 to 70 percent water and support natural  skin healing.

120. Royal jelly has been shown to  prevent osteoporosis when consumed with bee pollen.

121. Royal jelly limits blood supply to tumors and can  inhibit breast cancer cell growth.

122. Royal jelly’s mixture of proteins, vitamins, and minerals helps  decrease total cholesterol and LDL.

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