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Hippocrates said clean water was an essential part of good health, however, toxins in tap water actually makes our agua dangerous to drink.
Chlorine has stopped the spread of cholera but its byproducts are carcinogens.
Despite the fact that chlorine has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses, it remains the government’s disinfectant of choice for contaminated water. The irony is that chlorine creates far more toxins than it eliminates, specifically trihalomethanes (THMs).
These are new chemicals created when chlorine reacts with naturally occurring organic matter in water. Suspected of causing heart, lung, kidney and liver damage, birth defects, and increased risk of bladder and colorectal cancer, THMs have no redeeming qualities.
You may ask: Does the government know about this little chemistry experiment playing out at your expense? The answer is: Of course it does.
In 1998, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its Stage 1 Disinfection Byproducts Rule, which required water treatment systems to reduce the formation of toxic disinfection byproducts. This has led to an increasing number of treatment plants switching from chlorine to chloramine. Chloramine is produced by combining chlorine with ammonia. Adding the ammonia molecule to chlorine makes chlorine more stable so that the disinfection effect lasts longer.
However, as a result, an even bigger environmental menace has bared its face. It’s called “chloramines,” which are toxic byproducts that interfere with the endocrine system and normal hormonal function.
Suddenly, the funny taste of chlorine is the least of our worries.
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The Futility Of Water Standards
People are being misled to believe that water is safe because it meets government standards. If your local water report says the amount of a certain chemical is ‘negligible’ (whether it’s true or not), consider what ‘negligible’ translates to over months and years of consumption.
Humans are experiencing ‘bioaccumulation,’ the consistent absorption of toxic substances, at insignificant amounts, over an extended period of time. This accurately describes the harmful chemical reactions playing out in our bodies. Dangerous compounds and heavy metals keep accumulating until they reach toxic levels that lead to health disorders.
In the past several years, scientific analysis of municipal drinking water supplies has detected many new contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and PFOA, a Teflon by-product.
The Associated Press did an investigative report and found that the water supplies going out to at least 41 million people contained trace amounts of pharmaceuticals including anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, and sex hormones.
Many non-prescription drugs were also detected, including acetaminophen and ibuprofen. There are also other known contaminants detected in drinking water, such as chlorine by-products, aluminum, industrial chemicals, pesticides, fluoride, lead, arsenic, and naturally occurring radioactivity such as uranium.
Pinpointing the exact number of toxins in the average glass of water would be impossible, but experts have a disturbingly good idea. Research indicates that there could be up to 500 different types of toxic chemicals in the U.S. water supply at any given time. Increasingly common toxins detected in municipal water sources include MTBE (methyl-tertiary-butyl-ether), a volatile, flammable and colorless liquid almost exclusively used as a fuel additive in motor gasoline, and perchlorate, a chemical found in both fertilizers and explosives.
Waste sites discharge an increasing number of toxins into our drinking water. For instance, of the 254 toxic waste sites located in Long Island, 109 pose a significant threat to residents’ health and the local environment. These toxic waste sites, such as the old Northrop Grumman site in Bethpage, New York, discharge carcinogenic chemicals into the groundwater that supplies drinking water to hundreds of thousands of residents. This particular area exposes people to more health risks than any other region the State Department of Environmental Conservation oversees. And pollution is on the rise.
Researchers have documented contaminated groundwater plumes migrating from more than a third of state and federal sites. As the contamination moves through the aquifers, public and private water well supplies can become tainted.
It is well established that consuming these environmental toxins over a period of years contributes to a wide range of health disorders including cancer, leukemia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and neurological and cardiovascular disease. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has published a list of contaminants and their health impacts.
Toxins In Tap Water: Filtering Solutions
Water filtration is essential. The more we continue to drink unfiltered water, the sicker we become, no matter what precautions we take in every other area of our lives. Filtration is a measure both preventative and necessary. If you want to avoid illness, you cannot drink toxic water; if you are sick and want to get better, you cannot drink toxic water.
If you are sick, then you won’t be able to undergo a thorough detoxification regimen if you are drinking unfiltered water. For example, you may take probiotics to restore your gut, but the chlorine, fluoride and ammonia in toxic water will kill them off again, rendering your progress futile. It only makes sense that true healing is dependent on the purity of the single most important carrying agent in our bodies.
Basic water filtration systems, like the kind you attach to a kitchen sink, are not adequate to remove the more toxic contaminants. At best ,they can only reduce a diminutive fraction of the toxins in your water and need to be refilled about once every two weeks to remain only slightly effective.
Since we are not assured of high-quality municipal drinking water that is free of unhealthy contaminants, it is necessary to take advantage of the most advanced filtration technologies to ensure that what we drink, cook with, and bathe in are as clean and safe as possible.
Watch Dr. Roy Speiser talk about the dangers of tap water with HoneyColony Advisor Anne Louise Gittleman:
Dr. Roy Speiseris a water quality specialist and health care practitioner with 35 years experience on environmental health issues. He has published numerous scientific articles and developed personal protection products geared towards protecting our health.
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