By Laurene Williams, HoneyColony Original
Here are ten steps to genetically modify Monsanto.
On September 10, 2013, The Monsanto Protection Act was extended. This provision gives biotech companies far greater latitude to produce GMOs, retain patents on nature, decrease biodiversity, encourage pesticide resistant weeds and insects, evade peer-reviewed scientific studies, and help serve up more questionable transgenic food products.
On November 6, 2013, they scored another victory with the defeat of Washington State’s Initiative 522, which would have made Washington the first state to require the labeling of genetically modified foods.
The key to Monsanto’s virulence is its own engineering. The company has been fortified several times over by injecting its DNA into Capitol Hill.
While citizens around the world believe that biotech seeds are poisonous, ruinous, and unsafe because they not only create illness but also necessitate unsustainable farming practices that ravage the land, Monsanto has been able to promote and protect its two major tenets in the US: “Science does not support the ill effects of GMOs” and “We need GMOs to feed the world.”
Monsanto needs a makeover.
Step 1
Make them label foods that they genetically modify and give people knowledge.
Step 2
Instruct them to remember that they have children, grandchildren, spouses, and friends who are suffering from increasing levels of auto-immune diseases, inflammation, and chronic illnesses. The outcome: They can work with policy makers to enforce the Precautionary Principle.
Watch HoneyColony Founder Maryam Henein on “Breaking The Set” for a discussion on the vanishing honeybees, genetically modified foods and systemic pesticides:
Step 3
Insist that they conduct real clinical trials by scientists who are not connected to Big Agra’s payroll.
Step 4
Have them disclose the number of farmers they’ve sued for seed patent infringement while explaining how wind actually works—namely, it blows seeds, pollen, and organisms around the biosphere.
Step 5
Instruct them to stop parroting the FDA’s party line that there is no significant difference between nature’s seeds and GMOs, and to acknowledge that the “special sauce” routinely sprayed onto conventional crops are engineered to withstand more and more chemicals, creating super bugs.
Step 6
Have them acknowledge the obvious conflict of interest that’s trumping our health: They sell chemicals. Monsanto sells Round-up (glyphosate—exposed in a review of 287 studies linking it to a number of diseases), the most prevalent herbicide product on the market.
Step 7
Allow them to denounce their assertions about needing to modify seeds in order to feed the world’s population, and have them discuss, instead, how GMO-cum-pesticide practices are contaminating our groundwater, depleting our soils, poisoning our bodies, altering biodiversity, and giving rise to superweeds.
Step 8
Make them admit that the world they intend to help with their wonder seeds has already rejected them. The number of countries with widespread bans or partial bans on GM crops continues to grow.
Step 9
Revoke their right to patent seeds.
Step 10
Stop the shuttle bus between Monsanto and the government.
Laurene Williams is the Senior Editor at HoneyColony.
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