It seems the more things change the more they stay the same. Modern research has established that many common foods and spices contain antioxidants, neurotransmitters and phytonutrients that trigger powerful mind altering endorphins which can make us feel sexier!
Legend has it that Cleopatra often put saffron leaves in her bathwater to spice up her sex life. In praise of its celebrated fertility, the ancient Aztecs referred to the avocado tree as the “testicle tree.” And the ancient Ayurvedics were known to prepare a recipe of eggplant and chives to enhance love making.
Brain endorphins influenced by diet are actually a form of endogenous morphine, said to be up to 25,000 times more powerful than pharmaceutical morphine! They stimulate brain pathways capable of generating intense excitement and inciting hormones of passion. Make no mistake about it, there are common foods that can make you feel sexier!
However, we must keep in mind that we are all bio-energetically unique. What works for one person’s energy may not work for another’s. Everything is energy, and all energy has its own unique “DNA like” energy code — people and food included.
Deciphering which of these foods might increase your ardor can be a most enjoyable task, but there’s a simple way to crack your personal energy code and pinpoint your sexiest foods! It’s a extraordinary muscle testing procedure highlighted in my latest book entitled, Whole Health: A Holistic Approach to Healing for the 21st Century. My Electromagnetic Muscle Testing (EMT) technique is remarkably accurate and can be mastered in minutes.
Your nervous system retains your energy code, and your muscles will weaken at the mere mention of any wrong match. Stand face to face, with your partner at arm’s length. Raise your non dominant arm at shoulder’s height. Close your eyes as your partner calls out the names of each of the seven foods. As they call out each food, your partner should try to depress your non-dominant raised arm, with their dominant hand. If your strength weakens and your arm drops at the mention of any food, then it doesn’t correspond with your energy code, and will not be a stimulus for you. It’s show time! Grab a partner and begin testing each other for these seven sexy foods:
1. Cacao
Cacao has been shown to elevate dopamine, a neurotransmitter that increases passion. Cacao has also been shown to elevate serotonin which promotes a positive and relaxed mental attitude. Studies have revealed that cacao increases oxytocin, often referred to as the “trust molecule” which is said to calm insecurities and soothe apprehensions. Moreover, cacao contains high amounts of phenylethylamine (PEA), a chemical associated with feelings of extreme pleasure and sexual stimulation. The theobromines, anandamide, tryptophan and caffeine in cacao are also powerful stimulants that increase sex drive.
2. Red Hot Chili Peppers
Dr. Ian Stephan from the University of Nottingham found that men and women were more attracted to the golden complexion from beta carotene consumption, than any other sexual marker. Stephan’s rare contribution to the sexiest foods includes all carotenoid foods such as carrots, orange bell peppers and acorn squash. However, red hot chili peppers are higher in beta carotene than any other food, boasting 63,455 mcg of beta carotene per serving!
3. Asparagus
Asparagus contains high concentrations of folate. Folate is known to elevate histamine levels. Animal studies have consistently shown that elevated histamine drives up libido. Asparagus also contains high levels of vitamin E, essential for sex hormone production. Asparagus also plays a critical role in reproductive support by stimulating neurological and circulatory systems.
4. Almonds
Almonds are rich in zinc, which has been shown to increase both testosterone and sperm counts in human studies. The high levels of magnesium in almonds also act as a nerve tranquilizer, putting our body at ease and our mind more in the mood. The high concentrations of vitamin E and F will help the body to increase hormone production.
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5. Arugula
Celebrated as an aphrodisiac in Mediterranean culture for centuries, its origins as a sex-citer date back to the first century AD. Today, many experts believe that it contains antioxidants that block the absorption of toxins that antagonize testosterone production. Testosterone is the spark that ignites our passion! Arugula also contains a heft dose of vitamin E to support an abundance of sex hormone production.
6. Oysters
Oysters, the superior aphrodisiac, contain high levels of omega 3 fats, which improve circulation, and support healthy blood flow to our sexual organs. Oysters are also high in zinc which enhances vaginal lubrication. The elevated dopamine levels in oysters increases testosterone levels and increases semen quality.
7. Watermelon
Watermelon contains the antioxidant citrulline, which increases the amount of nitric oxide in the blood. Nitric oxide is the body’s primary source of blood vessel dilation. Citrulline has been shown to increase erection hardness in human studies.
Now you’re ready to make out your sexiest grocery shopping list ever! You’ve also added a whole new dimension to your romantic dinners!
This article was republished with permission from the author.
Mark Mincolla Ph.D., is is a natural health care practitioner who has transformed thousands of lives over the past thirty years. He has integrated ancient Chinese energy techniques with cutting-edge nutritional science in his innovative Electromagnetic Muscle Testing system (EMT). His newest book, WHOLE HEALTH: A Holistic Approach to Healing for the 21st Century (Tarcher / Penguin) will be available for sale in January, 2014.
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