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Growing your own food in a raised-bed garden benefits not only your health, but also your community, especially since food insecurity remains a daily struggle for more than 800 million people worldwide. Throughout cities, urban gardeners are turning to pots, rooftops, raised soil beds, and abandoned lots to grow their own food.

With a modest amount of space and some initiative, you can skip the aisle filled with heavily sprayed conventional produce at your neighborhood supermarket. Consider raised-bed gardening: It’s one of the most popular ways to create your own backyard produce section.

The infographic below from explains how you can achieve a successful raised-bed garden. For starters, it’s important to nail down the size, orientation, and materials. You can use virtually any durable building material to build your garden, from rock to brick to concrete. However, lumber is most common.

Raised-bed gardens are spectacularly versatile and can house any number of plants, including vegetables, fruits, perennials, shrubs, trees, and annuals. When it comes to filling your bed, remember to add organic materials and keep your raised bed well-drained, well-fertilized, and well-covered to prevent weeds and bug damage.

There are other significant benefits to a raised-bed garden. These urban wonders can improve soil drainage, maintain warmer soil temperatures, and control weeds. At the end of the growing season, simply till the residue and cover it. Next spring, your raised bed will be ready to produce another beautiful bounty. garden benefits

How to Build the Garden Benefits of Raised Beds

garden benefits

Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, professional researcher, and producer of the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees.

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