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A shocking new ad released by Greenpeace is targeting the beverage industry Coca-Cola and the harmful impact its plastic bottles have on sea birds.

The environmental group is trying to raise money to place the 45-second ad on air after Coca-Cola fought a recycling program in Australia because the beverage giant said it was bad for business. The company later won the case, ending a container-deposit program that had doubled recycling rates in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Sea birds often mistake shiny plastic floating in the ocean for food, which then fills their stomachs and can lead to starvation and death, according to the International Bird Rescue.

Photographer Chris Jordan has released some troubling images of albatross remains stuffed full of brightly colored plastics as part of an ongoing project to document the impact of trash on sea bird populations.

This article was published on Huffington Post on May 15, 2013.  Photo by Will Talley/Flickr.

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