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We need your help voting for a panel featuring HoneyColony and co-founder Maryam Henein to be at SXSW2017. We’ve devised a panel to discuss the importance of honeybees, and what they can teach us when it comes to optimizing a work environment.

You may have heard of SXSW. The event is more than indie films and live music. Every year, entrepreneurs, foodies, and many leaders and experts across different industries make a pilgrimage to Austin, Texas. The conference is a place to talk about relevant and new topics.

That’s where the SXSW Panel Picker (and you!) comes into play.

Anyone can submit a session and the conference agenda is selected by public vote. You have until Sept. 2 to cast your vote — but why wait? Take five minutes and vote now.

Here’s How To Vote:

1) Click here: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/67823

2) Set up an account (we promise, they won’t spam you). This is not the most user friendly site and we apologize, it’s not ours. You will then get a confirmation email and be logged on.

3) Give us a thumbs up to vote for our panel!  It’s titled How A Bee In Your Bonnet Can Help Your Business

4) Optional: Leave a comment on why bees are important to you!

5) BONUS BONUS BONUS: If you want free shipping on your next order, email maryam@honeycolony.com personally and she will give you a special code as a sign of gratitude!!!!

A Full Breakdown Of Our 2017 Submission

Bees are ancient creatures who not only produce honey, but are environmental indicators that pollinate our food. They’ve inspired Maryam Henein to create HoneyColony, a magazine and marketplace that empowers folks to be their own best health advocate. By using hive mentality, HoneyColony offers the best resources and solutions to members. Building a million dollar startup around her purpose was no easy task, but she found a way to combine her passion for the environment, food justice, and health and wellness. Let Maryam inspire you to make a difference in your own business and work culture. What can you glean from the bees?

Speaker Bio:

Maryam Henein is a journalist, filmmaker, and entrepreneur. Her immersion in alternative medicine started 14 years ago, on the heels of a near-death experience. In 2007, after deciding to live a life in service, the bees literally flew into her life, just as beekeepers were sounding the alarm about a strange phenomenon dubbed “colony collapse disorder” (CCD).

Maryam went on to direct Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page, which exposes the current agricultural landscape and the systemic pesticides that are slowly killing bees to this day. Today, her award-winning film, which took five years to make, is internationally acclaimed and has been translated into 13 languages.

Since the documentary’s release, she’s become an outspoken advocate of bees, food politics, and the need to eradicate pesticides. Henein has now created HoneyColony.com, a magazine and marketplace, as a way to empower people to be their own best health advocate and put honesty back into the food supply.


Maryam Henein is considered an authority when it comes to the honeybees and our food supply. She’s earned a permaculture certificate and now consults customers regarding their health while studying functional medicine. She’s also curing herself of her autoimmune condition. She is an extremely busy bee running her startup and has been involved at one point or the other in all elements of the business, from fulfillment to marketing.zippic

Maryam Henein has written hundreds of investigative articles about honeybees, health, and our toxic food supply for various publications including Los Angeles Times and Truthout. Her award-winning documentary has also been seen by several celebrities such as Bill Maher, Russell Brand, Leo DiCaprio, Eva Mendes, and Zack Galifianakis. Meanwhile her documentary has been recognised by the United Nations and has been touted by FilmStar as “the most important film since Inconvenient Truth.” Most recently the film was given an award by the Milano Film Festival.

How Does This Speaker Contribute A Diverse Perspective?

This young entrepreneur, who hails from Montreal, Canada, and is of Egyptian/Greek descent, has become one of the most well-known and respected advocates when it comes to bees and our food supply. As an activist and beekeeper herself, she been studying the topic for nearly a decade. Maryam has also been described as the “Carrie Bradshaw of the bee world” because of her writing chops, and irreverent and humorous nature.

Maryam’s passion is undeniable and infectious. Her diverse career background as an investigative journalist, producer, and entrepreneur brings a fresh informative perspective to a topic that needs more awareness.

Over the years Maryam has helped produce projects for the likes of Morgan Spurlock, R.J Cutler, Robert Greenwald, as well as outlets such as Discovery Channel and MSNBC. She has written for numerous publications which include Los Angeles Times, Truthout, Penthouse, and Marie Claire.

Maryam is also a yogi and dancer who speaks four languages.

Previous Speaking Experience

She has appeared on radio shows, TV programs such as data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D1g8LD_YCjVk&source=gmail&ust=1470994618553000&usg=AFQjCNGfTSA4r5T3K7Wcnl8o6yYHD5Xuug”>Abby Martin’s Breaking the Set (Creator of Empire Files), data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.takepart.com/video/2014/06/18/documentarian-maryam-henein-tells-us-why-we-should-care-about-bees&source=gmail&ust=1470994618553000&usg=AFQjCNExj0y7lyyK5eA8n5VZibEDwGA0ZQ”>Participant Media’s TakePart, and podcasts such as data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DGDV7VHqaV44&source=gmail&ust=1470994618553000&usg=AFQjCNEm8rOtUzFs6YACOHD9x27ynyeB3A”>David Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio (Founder and CEO of Bulletproof). Additionally, she has given talks worldwide at screenings, schools, conferences, and numerous festivals including Sustainatopia (where she held a panel alongside Moby), Raw Food Festival, Lightning In A Bottle, Conscious Food Expo, and Envision Festival In Costa Rica.

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