This is a tale about how I discovered silver, an ancient healing secret that was somehow wiped off the medicinal map after antibiotics were discovered and patented by pharma giants. What you are about to read here is the undiluted truth, as incredible as it may sound.
Years ago during an early morning ocean swim in the Mediterranean, I come across a school of beautiful, luminescent creatures. A small Pink Jellyfish glides past me and elegantly injects a few hundred ampules of nerve toxins into my left side. The pain pulls me under the waves. I resurface with an egg-size swelling under my armpit and manage to swim home, where the wound continues to grow. It feels and looks like I’ve been burned by a flat iron.
I grab the first jar I suspect contains anti-bacterial properties, not knowing if I should check into a hospital. I decide to apply a “rash block” without really knowing what I’m using.
Miracle. The pain vanishes in seconds. The swelling subsides in less than a minute. I take a closer look at the jar. Active ingredient: chelated silver oxide.
In 16 hours, most of the inflammation is gone (see image).
Jellyfish stings usually take at least a week to heal. Some doctors recommend Neosporin, an antibiotic cream for the treatment of jellyfish stings. Studies have shown that Neosporin actually helps spread MRSA, a superbug that is resistant to antibiotics.
A week later, I get a cold sore on my lip. A sign of stress and insomnia, cold sores typically take at least 10 to 14 days to heal completely (62% of Americans are infected by HSV-1 virus which causes cold sores). Just for the heck of it, I apply the same cream.
Another miracle. The cold sore vanishes in less than 48 hours.
I start applying the cream to scrapes and wounds, anything to test my sanity.
The results are the same in every case: remarkable quick healing.
“Hey, look, another scrape is gone,” I tell my friends.
A malformed fingernail (most likely fungi-related), which antibiotics and anti-fungal creams have not been able to heal despite a decade of experimentation, begins to come to life in less than a week.
After several weeks of near-alchemist discoveries, I read up on the medicinal history of silver.
Discover The Healing Power Of Silver! Check Out The Market’s Top Solution For Making Your Own High-Quality Nano Colloidal Silver!
Aristocracy and Blue Blood
In 4th century B.C., Hippocrates used silver to dress wounds.
Cyrus the Great, King Of Persia, 550B.C. who reigned for more than three decades, insisted that his water be stored in silver vessels.
Physicians and scholars, meanwhile, advised rulers to literally suck on silver spoons (not just be born with one in their mouth) for health. And in the Middle Ages, if you didn’t carry your own silver spoon, you weren’t really worth talking to. French Aristocracy drank and ate everything from silver containers and plates. Louis XIV took three baths in his life (he must have smelled like a cesspit) but lived to reign for 72 years—the longest monarchy in European history. Incidentally, the life expectancy of an aristocrat was at least 20 years longer than that of a peasant. One could argue that this was due to better nutrition and living standards. But the bubonic plague wiped out one-third of the peasant population but barely singed an aristocrat. God’s decree? Or wood vs. silver plates?
Sometimes the aristocracy drank so much silver that their skin turned bluish, hence the term “blue-blooded”. This condition is known as argyria, a harmless and extremely rare condition that only results from a massive and long-term internal use of silver compounds in which the particle size is too great, or uses silver salts as a base (like the royals did, without access to e.g. high-quality colloidal silver) – but by itself is non-toxic.
Come 19th century, American cowboys were placing silver dollars in buckets to conserve fresh milk while well-equipped doctors used silver compounds to treat wounds and infections. But aside from the royalty and the wealthy, silver remained sparse.
The discovery of penicillin in the early 20th century finally wiped silver off the medicinal map. The reason was simple. You can’t patent silver in it’s natural form. Just like you can’t patent honey. The age of antibiotics buried the legend of silver, most likely because of the extraordinary profits it generated for Big Pharma.
Look for the benefits of silver today and you’ll quickly come across this Food and Drug Administration warning dating back to October 15, 1996 (61 FR 53685):
“… all OTC drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients or silver salts are not generally recognized as safe and effective, and are new drugs and misbranded within the meaning of section 201(p)”
Today, the $200 billion antibiotics juggernaut has no competition in modern literature. Maybe this is why Americans alone consume 28.8 million pounds of antibiotics both indirectly via livestock (80 percent) and prescribed intake (20 percent).
Triclosan, an anti-bacterial now used in soaps and lathers, is another example of a pervasive ingredient that operates like an antibiotic and weakens our immune system every time we wash our hands.
The more antibiotics we consume, the weaker our immune systems become, the more superbugs (like MRSA) we facilitate, the more we endanger our collective health. It’s one vicious ugly cycle.
While antibiotics appear to save lives and squash ever more sophisticated bugs, the problem is that antibiotics are 1) abused 2) not only kill the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria. When antibiotics leave our system, we leave behind a clean petri dish in which bad bacteria can evolve into new forms without resistance from the good ones. When we take antibiotics, we slowly weaken our immune system to the point of collapse. We provide the bad guys with ideal conditions to evolve further—into super monsters.
Silver, on the other hand, works in a smart way.
Why Silver Works
Bacteria (and mold and mildew) need three things to grow: water, food, and a substrate – a surface on which it can attach. If one of these is not present, bacteria can no longer exponentially thrive. Silver wipes out the substrate itself, thereby wiping out the bad bacteria in a manner that also prevents them from evolving or replicating further. After taking care of business, silver oxide flushes out of the body a bit like C vitamin. It’s a safe and non-intrusive killer of unwanted bacteria. The bad guys simply don’t have the base from where to multiply or evolve.
The best news: Bacteria will never be able to develop a resistance to silver.
It’s time to reevaluate this ancient panacea. But how do we select the best silver compound on the market for our own use, especially when regular doctors and pharmacies hardly ever mention silver oxide as a valid alternative? Many alternatives, independent silver oxide vendors tout their own products, but most of them have no patented legitimacy to support their claims, nor do they have the visibility or credibility to convince consumers to adopt their solution.
Guerry Grune, a surfer with a PhD in Chemical Engineering and a patent expert, helped discover how to chelate silver oxide in a way that makes it 100-100,000 more bioactive for topical use. He is the first silver oxide expert who has been able to create a patentable solution.
The problem with most regular silver oxide compounds (the actual silver oxide formulation the FDA released the “warning” about) is that it can be easily rinsed away (internal use of high-quality colloidal silver with optimum particle size will however have a dramatic positive effect on one’s resistance and ability to heal faster). Guerry, along with the help of William Wingfield, a brilliant chemist, has created a patent-pending chelated silver oxide biopolymer that binds to a surface area (e.g. a wound) for at least 2.5 hours, ensuring a positive response. Sanitizers, by comparison, are only active for up to 15 seconds. Guerry’s silver oxide formulation changes the game when it comes to external infections.
No wonder my jellyfish, my cold sore, my scrapes, my fungi, my what not—got blasted away in record time.
Today I never leave home without carrying a little tub of 3rd Rock RashBlock or Silver Excelsior, which is a 4,000 PPM concentrate of chelated silver (one drop is enough to turn 1oz of water into 100PPM high-quality chelated silver, for internal use).
Chelated silver oxide products are so safe they are food-grade edible. It is void of the usual toxic preservatives and chemicals that most antibiotic treatments come with. Instead, it’s a multi-purpose, safe anti-bacterial. Use the cream for scrapes, infections, jellyfish attacks, and well, just about anything you think could be influenced by bacteria, mold, or mildew.
Remember: FDA only allows these products to be marketed if they are marked as “dietary supplements.” This term will keep the antibiotic industry in business—for some time to come.
While silver creams are good for topical infections, the most powerful healing effect comes from taking silver internally. It amps up your immune system while taking care of the bad bugs. People who use it regularly literally never get sick. It’s critical to have access to high-quality colloidal silver water (with nano-size particles), or if that is too expensive an option (typically $18-20 per ounce), make it yourself with a proven solution like the Silver Healer (there are a lot of cheap, home-made gadgets on the market that do not guarantee that the particle size is optimal). Properly used, high-quality colloidal silver can help you fight over 650 bacterial strains including superbugs! It also helps to:
- Wipeout sore throats, ear infections, eye infections, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
- Boost the immune system
- Prevent plaque buildup, tooth decay, and bleeding gums
- Quickly combat food poisoning
- Fight mold and mildew
- Heal cuts, sores, and boils
- Take the itch out of insect bites and rashes
- Get rid of athlete’s foot and nail fungus
- Soothe and heal burns, including sunburns
Find out more about the best-chelated silver oxide and high-quality colloidal silver solutions and learn how to avoid antibiotics when they are not necessary to heal bacterial complications. Other related solutions are listed here. Read up also on the history of antibiotics to fully understand why and how the medical revolution has led to a backlash of superbugs and untreatable infections due to overuse of antibiotics.
A conscious move to natural antibiotics will transform your life.
Read Next: Cure Yourself: The Future Is CBD
Jan Wellmann is a co-founder of HoneyColony and an independent investigative journalist focusing on alternative health & energy. Follow him at @janwe or his blog at
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