Silver Infusion 150 PPM Chelated Silver Oxide Dietary Supplement – 16 oz. Spray

Silver Infusion 150 PPM Chelated Silver Oxide Dietary Supplement – 16 oz. Spray


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If you’re looking for a natural way to defeat a wide range of microbes and prevent antimicrobial resistance, chelated silver oxide is the answer.

Silver oxide supports your immune system and boosts the efficacy of other treatments.

What is Chelated Silver Oxide?

Silver Infusion 150PPM Chelated Silver Oxide by our friends at Third Rock is the next generation of antimicrobial silver supplementation. In a water and glycerine-based solution, it’s fully dispersed and stable, unlike the more well-known colloidal silver. This is thanks to glycerine’s property as an emulsifier, meaning it can disperse a wide range of substances.


As a chelated mineral, your body can more readily absorb and use Silver Infusion’s product because of its organic component. However, it doesn’t accumulate like some other forms of silver can. These properties mean that Silver Infusion’s silver oxide is concentrated to 150PPM, while many other colloidal silver products sit at 10PPM or less. It won’t clump together or build up inside your body. This may allow for an extended shelf life and long-term use if you need it.

What Can Silver Oxide Do for Me?

Silver oxide can assist your immune system in removing stubborn microbes. A study on wound dressings containing it demonstrated that they could promote healing and remove bacteria more effectively than control dressings. Wound closure rates were higher and almost complete at 14 days, and silver was effective against both S. aureus and E. coli.

Although silver oxide can stop bacteria from functioning, it’s not toxic to healthy cells, allowing for faster wound healing and reduced inflammation. Better yet, it can support collagen deposition and skin cell growth while having an antioxidant effect during injury healing.

Silver oxide may even address the most challenging part of chronic infections: the biofilms. Biofilms are protective barriers that microbes produce to escape the immune system, antibiotics (both natural and pharmaceutical), and the perils of the digestive tract. Bacteria can stay dormant inside biofilms, causing chronic or low-grade problems that may appear too non-specific to be identified. As it can reduce biofilm formation by bacteria, other antimicrobial treatments may become more effective. This could even extend to viruses, allowing them to survive longer and avoid destruction.

How to Use Silver Infusion 150PPM Chelated Silver Oxide

You can use Silver Infusion topically over wounds, other skin complaints, or internally. Take between 1 and 50 sprays daily or completely cover the skin issue you want to treat. This product comes pre-diluted, so you don’t have to mix it with distilled water. I personally suggest putting a nozzle on this sucker and also use it in your bathroom and kitchen.

Weight 20 oz

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