HoneyColony is in service to our honeybees and so we’ve created a manifesto: Honeybees pollinate one in every three bites of food we eat. As Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) continues to accelerate, honeybees worldwide are being wiped out, causing a catastrophic ripple effect that impacts the lives of everyone on the planet. Food prices will rise, and agriculture, as we know it, could implode. The latter may actually be a good thing.
“The bees are just the beginning,” says Tom Theobald, founding member of the Boulder County Beekeepers’ Association and a featured beekeeper in Vanishing of the Bees. “If we don’t make some changes soon, we’re going to see a disaster.”
We at HoneyColony imagine our grocery stores filled with locally-grown organic fruits and vegetables. We support wholesome and flavorful foods, vibrant in color, rich in essential nutrients, and grown in dynamic soil that can sustain abundant life without toxins, or genetically modified organisms. We stand for corporate transparency and the labeling of GMOs. We stand beside independent farmers who exercise their right to harvest, without fear of reprisal. We reject Big Agra and Big Farma and their efforts to copyright the Earth, risk our health, squash our food independence, and degrade the face of our food supply for the love of profits. We strive to bee the change by joining with our readers, writers, activists, and bloggers to share information and get the word out.
Our goal is to empower ourselves with information and encourage optimal health and better choices for consumers by helping put truth back into our food supply.
On August 17,2014, HoneyColony honored the fourth annual National Honeybee Awareness Day with the following vows:
1) We will dedicate a percentage of HoneyColony revenues to non profits or groups that are dedicated to saving bees.
2) We will focus on revealing the truth about the plight of the honeybees—with articles, videos, exposés, and viral stories.
3) We will work toward lobbying political, activist, and environmentally conscious corporate groups to take legal action against the culprits.
4) We will eventually campaign for legislation against pesticides, in conjunction with our affiliates.
5) We strive to represent vendors and offer products that value integrity, quality, and sustainability.