Sharing is caring!

By HoneyColony Staff

It’s been 32 years since 1981 when the Rodale Institute began its study on organic farming versus chemical agriculture. More recent studies on sustainability and crop yields from Crop Management and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development support the long-range view that the solution to commercial agriculture does not lie in the hands of the agribusiness, which seeks to control seeds through a labyrinth of patents and a subscription to chemicals. They call for a paradigm shift to a “truly ecological intensification” approach in modern day agriculture. This shift would embrace a holistic philosophy that considers not only our food supply but also honeybees, as well as the other insects and organisms that are routinely killed by a cocktail of endless pesticides.

Rise up family farmers. The 2013 Food Sovereignty Prize honored farmers who are the anti-Monsanto growers of the world. These farmers, fighting to protect our seeds from the for-gargantuan-profit, land grabbing hands of Monsanto and friends, work to produce chemical-free food that’s controlled by local communities.

Read more here.

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