The molecular hydrogen supplement is well worth exploring.
Molecular hydrogen (H2), the smallest molecule in existence, is making a big impact as an antioxidant health supplement. Molecular hydrogen is a tasteless, odorless, flammable gas that is generating a lot of buzz among researchers who link it to helping battle more than five dozen diseases. It works primarily by reducing, one of the major causes of most lifestyle-related illnesses, cancers, and the aging process.
“There are now over 500 medical studies available on the health benefits of molecular hydrogen,” says Nedalee Thomas, author, researcher, and CEO of Chanson Water. “Some doctors claim that they have been able to reduce or eliminate medications from many patients who had taken prescriptions for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and osteoarthritis for example.”
A 2015 study reports that H2 may significantly help keep us better hydrated. A 2012 study concluded that drinking molecular hydrogen water was an effective fluid hydration strategy for athletes. This is significant considering studies show two of three people are partially dehydrated. Even light dehydration of no more than 2 percent of total body weight and decreases the body’s efficiency. Metabolism and energy levels are directly affected, and this extends even further to mood and mental alertness.
“Asia is all over this, but the West is not,” says Ed Wunder, researcher associated with the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation “This is not something that the pharma industry can patent. It is in the public domain so that’s why there probably is not a lot of interest on their part.”
Wunder says another reason the public is not familiar with the molecular hydrogen supplement is because it’s not a “symptom-chasing” solution, a hallmark of Big Pharma.
“Molecular hydrogen really gets to the root of a lot of issues,” Wunder says.
The Super Effects of H2
The list of reasons to use a molecular hydrogen supplement include:
- Fights autoimmune disease
- Reduces pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis
- Combats allergies
- Improves skin/fights aging
- May help prevent diabetes
- May battle cancerous tumors
- Corrects DNA damage
- Faster sports injury recovery
- Improves cognitive function
- Helps reduce fat
- May help keep us better hydrated
A study published in Medical Gas Research, goes even further, and concludes that a molecular hydrogen supplement can be successfully used to treat eight of the 10 most common causes of death in the U.S. including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and influenza/pneumonia.
Size Is The Key
Scientific skepticism has also played a large role in why molecular hydrogen is just now coming into its own. Researchers have had a hard time believing an inert gas with only two atoms (the minimum to form a molecule) could have health benefits. But it’s the smallness of molecular hydrogen that makes it an ideal antioxidant. It is possibly the only antioxidant molecule that can reach inside the mitochondria (power generators) of a cell.
According to Wunder, this improves cell communication and provides a cell modulating property to the body to help prevent the formation of toxic free radicals.
Molecular Hydrogen Foundation founder and executive director Tyler LeBaron agrees. “This is not a conventional antioxidant in that it just indiscriminately scavenges all radicals. Hydrogen is a unique and superior molecule, because it can also activate the Nrf2 pathway and increase the endogenous levels of glutathione and other antioxidants if they are lower than they should be. Its cell modulating properties in biological systems is what affords it with various anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, and anti-obesity effects.”
Discover Optimal Health With Hydra, The Leading Molecular Hydrogen
Another important factor is that molecular hydrogen supplement is hydrophobic, meaning it is not diluted by water, which allows mitochondria access. In contrast, vitamin C as an antioxidant is hydrophilic, meaning it becomes diluted in water so it has problems in trying to pass through a cell’s fatty layer.
Earlier this year, a detailed, scholarly analysis of molecular hydrogen appeared in Scientific Research. The paper spent considerable space explaining this incredible ability of molecular hydrogen to penetrate deep within the heart of a cell:
Hydrogen has some distinct advantages as an antioxidant. Hydrogen as a gas dissolves in physiological fluids and distributes rapidly. It can easily penetrate cellular membranes and enter intracellular compartments. Most antioxidant supplements are limited in their cellular distributions and are poorly taken up by organelles like mitochondria.
Working deep within the cellular level puts H2 in the perfect position to neutralize free radicals and reduce . Once inside the mitochondria, previous studies have shown that molecular hydrogen exerts anti-inflammatory properties and protects from noxious chemicals (cytoprotective) in addition to acting as an antioxidant.
There is also evidence that H2 can increase the production of the ghrelin hormone that protects the brain, vascular system, and liver.
The study also discussed molecular hydrogen’s advantage of being able to “penetrate the blood brain barrier,” a very delicate interface that separates the brain from the circulatory system and protects the central nervous system (CNS) from potentially harmful chemicals while regulating transport of essential molecules.
Due to this ability to easily cross the blood brain barrier, molecular hydrogen may assist the well being of those with Parkinson’s disease. In rat models of Alzheimer’s disease, H2 prevented neuro inflammation and improved memory.
Molecular Hydrogen Supplement: How To Take It
There are several ways to get molecular hydrogen into your system including drinking hydrogen infused water, inhalation, taking an H2 bath, or putting H2-saline into the eyes. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), H2 inhalation significantly ameliorates intestinal and pulmonary transplant injury and prevents remote organ inflammation thanks to its antioxidant effects.
Molecular hydrogen is now even being used in sports medicine, applied directly to areas of the body where injury and pain occur. Nationally recognized sports nutritionist, strength, and conditioning coach Brandon Mentore is a big believer in H2:
“Molecular hydrogen is extremely important to health as it is the most significant element to life itself. Hydrogen has multiple cellular protective properties in the human body. It has the ability to upregulate virtually all metabolic processes that have rate limiting factors due to our internal and external environment.”
Mentore says there are machines that can boost water with hydrogen through electrolysis.
“But be sure to do your research as not all of the machines are created equal and may not confer the same health benefits,” says Mentore.
The easiest and probably most efficient method is by simply dropping an H2 tablet in water and then drinking it. In all cases, molecular hydrogen enters the bloodstream and is transported throughout the body.
Safe Without Side Effects
All this takes place without unpleasant side effects because when H2 neutralizes a free-radical, the byproduct is water. And there doesn’t appear to be an upper limit of use. The more hydrogen infused water we consume the better, especially for those suffering from a particularly grave condition that needs to be turned around quickly.
According to LeBaron, a good general recommendation for significant health benefits is to drink a concentration of 1-3 mg of dissolved H2 per liter of water. Read more about the leading molecular hydrogen supplement, , and try it out for yourself.