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  • The underarm industry is worth $22 billion.
  • Society has been duped into buying harmful products, thanks to deceptive advertising.
  • Products containing aluminum, plus synthetic fragrances, plus other harmful ingredients, equal “chemical soup.”
  • One underdog offers a safe, chelated silver-oxide solution that will transform your life for the better.

Actors Cameron Diaz, Matthew McConaughey, and Bradley Cooper recently denounced antiperspirants and deodorants. Before you say “yuck,” take into consideration that sweat doesn’t smell and that there have been serious concerns in recent years about mainstream underarm products.


“Antiperspirant is really bad for you. Let it go and just trim your armpit hair so it doesn’t hold on to the scent. You’re stinky because you use antiperspirant. It keeps all the stink in,” said Diaz in a recent interview. Good advice Cameron!

The Link Between Antiperspirant and Breast Cancer

What Diaz means is that mainstream brands (Secret, SpeedStick, Old Spice, etc.) clog pores with artificial gunk; they use chemicals called parabens and aluminum residues that can be absorbed through the delicate skin under your arms, particularly after shaving these areas. This can trigger cancerous changes in breast tissue, creating the link between antiperspirants and breast cancer.
antiperspirant breast cancer
So are you using commercial deodorants or antiperspirants? And do you know the difference between the two?

Deodorants mask smells with perfumes (fragrances are often made up of dangerous chemicals) or eliminate them with antimicrobial agents. Commercial deodorants often contain two suspicious ingredients: an antibacterial agent called “triclosan” — which negatively affects human hormone regulation — and parabens, which have also been known to act as estrogen-mimicking preservatives.

Natural Deodorizer

Antiperspirant Aluminum Content

Antiperspirants meanwhile work to reduce sweating by temporarily plugging up sweat ducts in your armpits. Yuck!!! Another eye-brow raising ingredient often found in both deodorants and antiperspirants is aluminum.

The Dangers of Antiperspirant Aluminum

Aluminum is an active ingredient found in most antiperspirants approved by the Food and Drug Administration. In other words, you cannot use antiperspirant without your skin absorbing some amount of aluminum. For decades, a mountain of scientific studies have showed statistically significant links between antiperspirants and breast cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

antiperspirant breast cancer
So do you really want to apply a thick layer of chemicals to your body every day? And do you realize that sweat doesn’t smell?

“Odor is not caused by perspiration but by dying bacteria,” says Gerry Grune, the inventor of both 3rd Rock Sunblock, American’s best natural sunscreen, and 3rd Rock ODORBlock.

Basically, bacteria break down sweat proteins into smaller, acidic molecules. Incidentally, we have sweat glands all over our bodies (2.6 million of them), but sweat that smells is produced only by certain glands (apocrine glands) in the groin, armpits, lips, and scalp, and these only develop at puberty.

Rather than poisoning yourself and blocking your sweat ducts — which are what allow your body to detox naturally — stay sweet-smelling by choosing a product that relies on more natural (and side effect-free) ingredients.

Safe Alternatives to Antiperspirant Aluminum

Several new products allow users to stay fresh-smelling without hazarding the risks of the chemicals contained in traditional deodorants and antiperspirants. For example, Guerry Grune has created a safe and effective, non-toxic deodorant using chelated silver oxide, which basically prevents bacteria from growing without harming the wearer’s body!! Bacteria need three things to grow: food, water, and a base to grow on. Chelated silver oxide denies bacteria the third of these by making it impossible for microbes to cling to your pits.

Silver (I) oxide is a chemical compound with the formula Ag2O. It is a fine black or dark brown powder that is used to prepare other silver compounds. The medical uses of silver include its incorporation into wound dressings, creams, and as an antibiotic coating on medical devices.

Colloidal silver (a colloid consisting of silver particles suspended in liquid) and formulations containing silver salts were used by physicians in the early 20th century, but their use was largely discontinued in the 1940s following the development of “safer, more effective, modern antibiotics.”

3rd Rock ODORBlock actually eliminates the substrate bacteria need with chelated silver oxide. Once you realize this, you understand that antiperspirants are ridiculous – man-made products that should not be used – ever! And yet, the global underarm-stick industry generates $22 billion annually. (See how advertising convinced us to care about our underarm hygiene without any scientific basis for their claims).

“Deodorants and antiperspirants have chemicals that may cause cancer, Alzheimer’s, and allergic reactions,” says Dr. Michael Shapiro, medical director and founder of Vanguard Dermatology. “Most conventional deodorants contain a number of toxic chemicals, such as aluminum chlorohydrate, parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, TEA, DEA, FD&C colors, and Talc.”

Unlike nasty supermarket brands, 3rd Rock ODORBlock does not require FDA approval because it is not an antiperspirant. Rather it’s a deodorant that also doubles as a mouth spray. Yup that’s right! And it won’t harm humans or the environment.

The concentration of chelated silver oxide is very low, and because it is chelated, it is bioavailable and bioactive and will not accumulate over time (as do, for example, the aluminum oxides contained in most pit sticks). This allows the compound to completely eliminate bacteria like staph, e-coli, etc.

“Killing bacteria that could kill humans is also a good thing.  Many have asked – what about killing off good bacteria?  This is a non-issue; as living, breathing human beings we ingest by air or in liquids enough good bacteria on a millisecond basis not to worry about killing off the good stuff,” adds Grune.

Guerry Grune’s mission is to make food-grade, edible, non-toxic, green, sustainable products for the planet. To do that you have to understand the problem, then create the solution. Read more about this surfing, mechanical engineer who earned a double major in Chemistry before inventing a revolutionary sunscreen.

Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, professional researcher, and producer of the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees.

Find out more about Maryam….

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