By Donna Gates, HoneyColony Advisor
Endometriosis is a gynecological disorder that usually shows up during a woman’s reproductive years. According to one 2010 report, endometriosis affects up to 10 percent of women in the United States. It has been determined that endometriosis has a strong relationship with:
- Gut dysbiosis
- Candida albicans
- Autoimmune disorders
- Allergies
Most often, symptoms include:
- Severe pelvic pain
- Infertility
- Constipation
Each month, a woman’s ovaries produce hormones that tell the cells lining the uterus to multiply. When a woman does not get pregnant, these cells slough off and are shed with a woman’s menstrual blood. When these cells are found living and growing outside of the uterus, this is what is known as endometriosis. These endometrial cells grow and bleed just like the cells in the uterus. As these cells bleed according to a woman’s monthly cycle. Blood is released wherever the cells are located. Endometrial cells have been known to implant on the:
- Ovaries
- Bowel
- Rectum
- Bladder
- Lining of the pelvis
Once these cells bleed, there is swelling, and the body will often mount an immune response. A study published in 2002 in the Journal of Human Reproduction looked for a connection between endometriosis and the microorganisms in the intestinal tract. While researchers used rhesus monkeys in their study, it was their hope that the findings would shed some light on this common condition that affects so many women. The study determined that:
- Intestinal inflammation occurs more frequently in those with endometriosis than those without it.
- An inflamed gastrointestinal tract contains different microorganisms than a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
- When it comes to gastrointestinal inflammation, Candida albicans is especially prevalent.
Candida albicans is native to the human body and part of a healthy inner ecosystem. Only when Candida grows beyond control does it pose a toxic threat. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common are poor diet and excessive use of antibiotic therapy. Both a poor diet and antibiotic use can disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms that live in the body. Researchers of the 2002 study found that inflammation can also disrupt the balance of microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract. Later studies have found that endometriosis has a clear and direct association to inflammation in the gut.
A healthy inner ecosystem keeps Candida in check. Without friendly bugs and without balance, the yeast Candida is able to quickly dominate its environment and colonize other areas of the body. Even though endometriosis involves multiple systems in the body, so far physicians only manage the disorder by lowering overall estrogen. While endometriosis may or may not be an autoimmune condition, there is enough evidence telling us to support the immune system. Endometriosis:
- Is commonly found with other autoimmune disorders.
- Occurs with other inflammatory bowel conditions.
- Puts a woman at higher risk for Candida overgrowth.
One of the best ways to balance the immune system is to support gastrointestinal function. In fact, when it comes to an autoimmune disorder, a balanced inner ecosystem is essential because it reinstates the gut barrier, which protects the body from further flare-ups and inflammation. We can manage the immune system and decrease inflammation by doing two things:
- Eat foods that nourish the body, promote alkalinity, and do not feed infection. See specific guidelines in The Body Ecology Diet.
- Consume probiotic-rich foods every day in order to inoculate the gut with healing, beneficial microorganisms. An easy way to get the highest quality, living probiotics is through a few ounces of InnergyBiotic.
Keep in mind that probiotic-rich fermented foods and beverages are superior to the probiotics you may find in a capsule at the store. If you purchase fermented foods at the supermarket, make sure that these foods are found in the refrigerated section.
- C Bulletti, et al. Endometriosis and infertility. J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 2010 Aug; 27 (8): 441–447.
- MT Bailey, et al. Endometriosis is associated with an altered profile of intestinal microflora in female rhesus monkeys. Hum Reprod. 2002 Jul; 17 (7): 1704-1708.
- T Jess, et al. Increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease in women with endometriosis: a nationwide Danish cohort study. Gut. 2011 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- K Ballard, et al. Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome: co-morbidity or misdiagnosis?. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2009; 116: 129–130.
- K Lamb, et al. Endometriosis: a comparison of associated disease histories. Am J Prev Med. 1986 Nov-Dec; 2 (6): 324-329.
- TR Nichols, et al. The association of atopic diseases with endometriosis. Ann Allergy. 1987 Nov; 59 (5): 360-363.